3. Why We Focus on ACTIONS - Not OUTCOMES


Focus on progress, not perfection.


  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time-Driven

Here's an example of a "hope is not a strategy goal":

"I want to eat better."

Here's an example of a typical, OUTCOME-focused goal:

"I want to lose 10 pounds"

Here's what we're looking for. ACTION focused and SMART:

"I am eating according to my meal plan 90% of the time, preparing meals in advance, lifting weights 3 times per week and walking for 30 minutes on 2 non-lift days, while making sure I drink 100oz of water each day and sleep at least 7 hours each night."

Which person do you think will be the most successful?

Also, notice the tense in the final example...not "I want to", but "I am". Write your goals in the present tense as if you already ARE that person you want to be in the future.


Post in the group the ACTIONS (not OUTCOMES) you will focus on this week that, if nailed, will advance your mission.

For example, I will film 30 videos this week that will be this course.

My focus is the action and that is 100% within my control. If I show up, do it (and do it with intention and my full capacity) it will move my mission forward. Remember, "hope is not a strategyā€¯

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